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Multi-target, multi-channel, strengthening the foundation three methods treatment of myasthenia gravis
Time£º2019-8-23 9:04:01¡¡Views£º256

National TCM specialist focus --- Yiling Hospital of Hebei Medical University Affiliated muscular atrophy treatment centers in the State Council special allowance experts led by Professor Chen Jinliang, centralized personnel, long-term commitment to research and treatment of myasthenia gravis, explore a mature and effective the treatment approach. Including traditional Chinese medicine regather three methods, stem cell immune induction therapy, acupuncture tune supernatural powers off, so as to achieve comprehensive treatment, multi-angle, multi-targeted therapy play an integral role in the patient symptoms, clinical recovery.

Chinese medicine regather law:

Qi meridians disease based on the theory of Chinese medicine developed strong scattered series of traditional Chinese medicine preparations, with the temperature Ideachip Yang, Fu Yuan Zhen decadent effect.

The first cause of treatment, we believe that weakness is the kidneys deficiency, specifically reflecting the envelope gas block, kidneys and internal organs, organs close to the surface, Qi Yang deficiency, Meridian air-block is muscle lose nutrition, manifested as muscle weakness decadent, so odd after treatment emphasizes inspiring, unobstructed gas network, these drugs can regulate immune function and activation of acetylcholine receptors, but also inhibit the abnormal autoimmunity, fundamentally solve acetylcholine transfer barriers, restore muscle contraction; second disease treatment, application stimulate yang, strong muscle tissue regeneration medicine, improve muscle weakness caused by drooping eyelid, double vision, strabismus, limb weakness, difficulty swallowing, cough and other symptoms relieve patient suffering; third consolidate treatment, the application of the overall regulation advantages, yin and yang balance of the body, Nourishing body strength, maintain normal immune function and reduce relapse.

Researchers established animal model of experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis, the experimental studies have shown: Powerful bulk ginseng can significantly improve symptoms, improve muscle strength and EMG potentials attenuation rat model, specific inhibition of antibodies against the acetylcholine receptor and T cell proliferation, decreased damage acetylcholine receptors, but does not inhibit normal immune function EAMG rats, indicating a strong ginseng powder in treating EAMG immunosuppressive mechanism is different from Western medicine, but rather to achieve a therapeutic effect by modulating the immune balance.

Stem cell immune induction therapy:

Using the world's most advanced "Mesenchymal stem cell transplantation" immunization induction, mesenchymal stem cells transplanted into the patient's body, to suppress the immune response of T cells through the secretion of growth factors, thereby functioning immune reconstitution, to improve their immune function, to correct immune abnormalities. With good efficacy, short course, less damage, less pain, fewer side effects and other advantages. Not only symptoms improved significantly after transplantation, a good short-term effect, but also further improve the clinical efficacy of long-term, but also reduce recurrent disease, quality of life improved significantly.

Supernatural tone off acupuncture:

Including Jiaji Points big moxibustion, plum-blossom needle method, ointment rubbed moxibustion method, acupuncture meridians clearance method and so on.

We are guided by scientific, rigorous, realistic, pragmatic, safe, and effective principles, take the road Integrative treatment characteristics, to more advanced studies in patients with myasthenia gravis friend effective treatment methods, giving them new light and I hope and wish that all patients with myasthenia gravis speedy recovery!

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Address:NO.385 North XinShi Road, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China Postcode:050091 Telephone:+86-311-83832249 FAX:+86-311-83832249