Hello, welcome to your visit, we wholeheartedly at your service!
Hebei Yiling Hospital of Cardiology for Chinese national key clinical specialist, Hebei Province, the only Chinese national key clinical specialist cardiovascular unit, key discipline......+MORE
Clinical and experimental study of diabetes, Hebei Yiling hospital dedicated to diabetes and complications, and give full play to the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine.......+MORE
Hebei Yiling hospital specialist muscle atrophy is the focus of the State Administration of traditional Chinese medicine specialist, over the years the use of Chinese........+MORE
Many of the world difficult disease of Hebei Yiling hospital rheumatology department of Rheumatology at the, assume a number of national and provincial research projects......+MORE
Hebei Yiling Hospital of TCM under the guidance of the theory of the collateral disease, creatively put forward the network information into a product "new view of pathogenesis.......+MORE
Hebei Yiling hospital rehabilitation, rehabilitation medical institutions, is the provincial National Rehabilitation designated agencies, to build the modern rehabilitation training, Chinese......+MORE
Professor Hu saving myasthenia gravis patients from crisis
[ TIME:2021-6-2 ]
"Thank you, director Hu. Yiling hospital is super great ! Recently, in the myasthenia gravis ward of Yili
Early diagnosis and treatment can delay the development of the disease and improve the quality of life
[ TIME:2021-5-6 ]
"I basically come to Yiling hospital for hospitalization every year, just like visiting relatives."
Thousands of miles to find doctor, light the flame of hope
[ TIME:2021-4-12 ]
Xiao Yue is a 5th grade student. Like most children, he goes to school happily every day and plays sports with
Good way to get rid of Rheumatism diseases and finally relieve all the pain
[ TIME:2021-4-6 ]
When it comes to rheumatoid arthritis, we can think of swollen and deformed joints, swelling and pain triggere
Fight with the disease for half - life, cry with joy when she find right doctor
[ TIME:2021-4-1 ]
Ms. Ma, 47, but when she saw her own director Jiang Fubin of rheumatism Department of Yiling hospital, she was
A sad face in pain, finally had a happy smile
[ TIME:2021-3-1 ]
Cheerful laughter came out from the ward. I didn't see him. I heard his voice first. When I entered the wa
Sarah, Russian
Sarah, Russian, got motor neuron disease. The patient mainly presented with the limb amyot...
Novitskiy from Poland, got Guillain-Barre syndrome for 6 months, and the treatment in Pola...
Rove, from Poland, got peripheral neuropathy for 6 years. The patient presented with weakn...
Nadya, from Irkutsk, Russia, presented with limb numbness and weakness for half a year. Sh...
Ruse, from Angola, has got Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease for 10 years. The patient presented...
Address£º385 Xinshi North Road, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, P.R. China 
Zip code£º050091
Free call £º400-612-2156
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Address:NO.385 North XinShi Road, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China Postcode:050091 Telephone:+86-311-83832249 FAX:+86-311-83832249