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Peripheral neuropath¡­
First, have a child with, put it in a can relieve stiffness or abnormal postural...

Address£º385 Xinshi North Road, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, P.R. China
Zip code£º050091
Free call £º400-612-2156

Bus line£ºBy 22 bus in the city to ridge hospital station or by 48, 58, 368  road under the new stone road.
Time£º2019-8-23 9:27:50¡¡Views£º1136

Ruse, from Angola, has got Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease for 10 years. The patient presented with the weakness of lower limbs and inhibited walking. Having sticked to the TCM dose prepared by the hospital, the patient is currently stable, lower limb strength increases and recovers basic normal walking, capable of lead an independent life.

Copyright © Hebei Yiling Hospital All Rights Reserved
Address:NO.385 North XinShi Road, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China Postcode:050091 Telephone:+86-311-83832249 FAX:+86-311-83832249