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Peripheral neuropath¡­
First, have a child with, put it in a can relieve stiffness or abnormal postural...

Address£º385 Xinshi North Road, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, P.R. China
Zip code£º050091
Free call £º400-612-2156

Bus line£ºBy 22 bus in the city to ridge hospital station or by 48, 58, 368  road under the new stone road.
Time£º2019-8-23 9:28:11¡¡Views£º1183

Nadya, from Irkutsk, Russia, presented with limb numbness and weakness for half a year. She was diagnosed by local doctor with Guillain-Barre syndrome, and needed a wheel chair though partially recovered after treatment yet unable to walk. After 4 weeks of treatment in the hospital, the patient was able to push the wheel chair to walk and took TCM preparation back home for further recovery.  

Copyright © Hebei Yiling Hospital All Rights Reserved
Address:NO.385 North XinShi Road, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China Postcode:050091 Telephone:+86-311-83832249 FAX:+86-311-83832249